Sunday, November 6, 2011

EVP Hunting

So, Lucia and I decided to veer a bit North for this adventure and visit a local restaurant of Davis County Legend, and then EVP hunt in the Kaysville Cemetery. Our first stop was Sill's Cafe. They have have the biggest cinnamon rolls that either of us have ever seen!
While their french fries left much to be desired, the scone and cinnamon roll were a little bit of heaven!
(Of note, the scones at Sills Cafe are not the cute little coffee shop pastries you are thinking of. They are really a giant piece of deep-fried dough more like a Navajo taco, but with honey butter rather than chili).

We did have to chuckle at a couple of local boys who took our picture in front of the "Sill's Cafe" sign. They asked, "Are you ladies from out of town, because Sill's isn't really a destination kind of place." We responded that we were out for an adventure, and wanted to document the event. I think they thought we were a little crazy, but hey, well behaved women rarely make history, right?

Our next stop was the Kaysville Cematary where we hunted EVPs. For those of you who are unsure of what an EVP is, it stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. When a digital or analog recording is made, there are sometimes "phantom voices" that are recorded, but not heard during the initial recording. There are many who believe that these are "ghost voices", however sceptics believe them to be rogue sound waves that are caught by the sensitive recording equipment. Lucia and I have made no definitive decisions on our feelings one way or another on the subject, however, the hunting made for a very enjoyable evening.
We adorned headlamps and asked questions to the cold evening. I believe that Lucia's first question was something like "Did I eat too much cinnamon roll for dinner?" As the evening progressed, we asked more deep questions, however, we heard no voices on the recording. We DID hear a lot of construction from a nearby garage and we nicknamed the nighttime worked as "Chainsaw Guy". Man, there is nothing like sitting in a graveyard in the middle of the cold night to the sounds of a distant chainsaw. Lucia and I have nerve!

As we were very cold, we stopped off for some hot chocolate.
We listened to our findings, ultimately deciding that we were much less deep than we had thought previously. We did both agree that cremation seems a reasonable option for the dead.
We did ask what the ghosts' view was on the subject, however, there was no response.

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