Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Red Butte and Buca di Beppo

We started this weeks adventure by visiting Red Butte Gardens. By the time we arrived, we only had 30 minutes to explore before it was closed for the evening. Since we had made the drive, we decided we would power walk the gardens and see as much as possible in 30 minutes. One of the first plants that caught our eye was this foot cactus. Yes, we have determined, through science, that these are cactus feet with purple toes.
There were many awesome things about the gardens, such as dangerous snakes that were lurking about, ready to feed on humans.
Since the Red Butte is in the foothills of the mountains, often wildlife is seen in the garden area. This particular moose is trying to blend in with its surroundings by disguising itself as a shrub.
Then, shortly after, we came across a pack of gila monsters. Gypsy used to be a gila monster rodeo queen, but now she just rides for fun, rather than sport.The area that had the displays geared more toward children was super cool. All of the benches had giant bugs on them. They were quite darling and all different.While still visiting the area for children, we came upon this giant planter that had a tree growing out of it. Super cute! It also had a pole coming out of the side for children to slide down. As I was in flip-flops, a skirt, and untrained at sliding down poles, it was necessary for me to give it a whirl. Of course, just then, some other visitors of the gardens just happened to stroll by. I didn't injure my heel or anything, either!

It was incredible to see all of the different plants that are able to be grown in our environment. Never in my wildest dreams would I think Utah weather could produce such a tropical, and quite large, flowers. As you can clearly see, Gyspy is amazed, too!I could have been waiting for Guffman! Who knows?This place is full of beauty, and more wild animals. Look at this wooden fish. Just look at it! Thanks for looking!The sun was definitely setting on our evening power walk through Red Butte. Somehow, we got turned around and somewhat lost. We had to get out our map. The great adventurer's that we are, we quickly found our way back to the visitors building. All we had to do was make our own path through some brush, a little bit of mud, and ending up at a wedding.....yep, we crashed a wedding. It's totally our style. The bartenders looked very pleased to see us. They were not surprised at all to see two ladies crawling through the gardens at night. It was totally normal. I think we eventually made it back to the car after an hour of exploration.

With all of that exploring under our belts, we needed to recharge with some food. We chose the restaurant downtown called, Buca di Beppo. It is Italian food that is served family style. Neither one of us knew about the family style servings, but our server was kind enough to let us order individual portions.

I'm not sure what "theme" Buca is going for in their decor. Perhaps, it is supposed to be representative of the clutter one would find at their grandmother's house, while she is making you pasta.Every square inch of this place was covered in stuff. Even on my trip to the restroom, I found some photo opportunities that I couldn't pass up. These "shadow boxes" were hanging on either side of the sink vanity in the bathroom.And this is in case you have forgotten your undergarments from the 60's. How thoughtful.And of course, the picture that is hanging on the back of the bathroom door as you exit, to remind you to wash your hands......... It was a good time had by all. Even the pope loved it!The food was yummy, the gardens were beautiful, the adventure was grand!

Until our next adventure,


  1. OMG what a funtastical adventure! Thank you for sharing all the wonders and wildlife of Red Butte Gardens and the crazy chaos clutter of Buca di Beppo. I always knew Moose were sneaky, disguising themselves as bushes, how clever! :)

    I too have been puzzled as to what the theme is, but I pretend I'm in an eccentric Italian families home. That picture of the scary dog on the door, I don't know what to think about that but if I knew that dog would be waiting for me if I didn't wash my hands, I doubt I'd ever forget (maybe I could try such a thing on my son see if it works?) Thanks for such a fun blog post! I felt as though I were there with you and Gypsy.

  2. Oh I forgot to ask have you tried their Alfredo? It is the best I've ever tried. I would probably even eat dairy again for some of that Buca di Beppa deliciousness.
